
The Timid New Society

Thank the gods for the idiot many, the whining hordes that seek pleasure in purchase of trinkets. If not for them the heights we might reach, but lo they drag down the noble few to deal with trivial matters. Following the piper with guarantees of endless amusements, down, down, down.

In a hundred years, the reflux complete – thank the gods for the idiot many.

Go forth Brother and make for yourself a new society from the shattered remnants of the one we have ruined. Make a new society where all are equal, from the lowest murderous criminal to the sickest of degenerate freaks to the family man to the good citizen to the noble hero and all those in between. Set no standard too high in order to maintain harmony through mediocrity. Rebuff the pursuit of excellence and endlessly pound the spirit of the energetic into dust so that they might be more suitable for their fate as cogs in the machine of mediocrity. Create a world in which living is itself a burden, a place where death seems like sanctuary.

Bring forth the slime to guide the way into the great abyss, go forth brother you have wanted it so and it is upon you and I will see you again when your world comes crashing down and I will be there and mercilessness will be my guiding principal.

Give something dynamic to the residue of ordinary. A signifier of a hope in action, a use of blood that exceeds thought and becomes so instinctive as to be unquestionable, the unyielding will to rise up to smash through the bounds and to cast off the excuses. A feast of power, explosions of strength focused against the competitors, and complete lack of guilt for the destruction of lesser. Step on the fallen to rise up, they are serving their purpose, they suffered and were defeated and are now ruined, a tribute to the vitality of the victor.

The residue are left with the choice to serve the ascent, compete to join the ascent or be buried by it.

The use of the profligate as grease in the machine of advance achievement is correct.

(*H.B. 71908*)

The social tract that is asserted today and canonized by a vast array of conformant ignominious self-proclaimed deities is a stew of filth, a disassembling instrument and a mockery of reality and the justified pursuit of power.

Only that which pursues overwhelming power is justified, all else is trifling.

It is right to be angered by that which appears improper and destructive and it is correct to wish harm on the same. It is a beautiful thing to be able to channel that anger into action and it is then the ability to apply power that reveals the true destiny at hand. Only force proves what is viable, what is not viable perishes. That which wins is righteous. That which grinds the bones of the enemy into dust is justified by its ability. That which is ground and scattered by the wind is deserved.

To achieve victory, to shatter the will of the weak, to force them to their deserved destiny is wholly correct.

Compassion for ones enemies is the inborn mental defect of a thrall.

Reality is the just result of a contest between rivals and the arena in which the contest is held. It is the stage and the act.

Nature cares not for ceaseless talk and deliberation only results, she is fairer then anything the human mind could ever invent, fairer then any social construct especially one based on forced equality. She is the non-paradox, the unfeeling, the real.

Man likes to hoist false morality high to obscure his weaknesses, it is a mere screen and he says it is his realization of his evolved self, his removal from nature, his rising above, his perfection but this is his self deception glorified and his denial of reality. This is his justification for his devolution.

Man deceives himself and moves away from the principals of reality and in so doing ruins himself. He removes his own entrails as an act of penance for past victory and is now hollow, a mere ghost of his former self. His fear of conflict, that contest between rivals where the outcome is unknown until one is left standing and the other is dust, unmans him and he says of himself in this flaccid state, “ I am more evolved then to participate in such abominable acts”. Meanwhile he decays in the insolence of the weak the pomposity of an idiot preteen girl.

When real man, higher man, was more prevalent reality was not so feared and was confronted head on. Modern man is weak and pathetic and in comparison to the man of the past is nothing more the remnant. It is modern mans fear of reality, his shunning of truth and his ability to create the great façade that barely holds back his destruction that makes him such.

Fairness is a governing principal to allow for the cooperation of true equals. Fairness offered to ineffectuals is anti-reality and supplication to nature for death. Equality only exist between those that fear each other but need each other at the same time, not between higher man and the chaff he is forced to support.

Denial of the hash realities and denial of the elemental competition is prayer for death and no matter how pretty the facade it can not hold back reality. In time the fist of nature corrects all ills.

There is no easy way to survive, someone has to do the dirty work, the not so pretty realities, the killing and the destruction, the elemental competitions that surround peace like an advancing fog. Little girls don’t enjoy sunny lazy days without a care in the world because their fathers were shirkers or moralistic indignant do-gooder’s but because those fathers killed everything that threatened to ruin what they had built. There is no way around it. But the pathetic masses love to decry any example of the elemental competition when their eyes accidentally witness it.

Needless to say there are those who do what needs to be done and those who being incapable of securing survival for themselves let alone a society love to moralize. A simple flow of air from the lungs over the tongue and out of the mouth to the ears of adult infants, so much less strenuous and so very pious.

The plump pleasure seeker pushes away reality on all fronts, he subconsciously knows he lives behind high walls that protect him but he denies this reality, he wants to believe the world is softer then it is. He knows nothing of the warrior on the wall who does the work, the one whose hands are covered with blood.

The rivals battle, the plump pleasure seeker goes about his day screaming out his demands and somehow the system has made it this far. The problem is as the plump pleasure seeker lives the life of ease he propagates and becomes a massive majority of chaotic morons. This is where we are, the plump pleasure seeker, the reality denier, has multiplied to unconceivable proportions diminishing higher mans effectiveness and now this ineffectual makes the rules and his concern is nothing more then the endless pursuit of comfort. He does not understand what damage he causes, he can not comprehend for he is lower man and he needs to either be transformed or destroyed. If he is not forced to transform or is not destroyed he will be an annihilator of everything.

That type that is today considered enlightened and moral is in actuality a cloaked and sanctioned demon. That type that calls itself righteous while denying reality and environment is a destroyer. He that coats the world in sugar while allowing the decay to progress out of sight is a detestable wretch that is forever guilty.

A world that deceives itself as to the truth of reality is likely to experience the fist of nature firsthand and that fist never brings forth offerings of friendship or reconciliation but only a terrible force of a type that can not be opposed, an implacable power that returns all invalid life to the dirt.

A thrall yearns for power and he uses the popular notion of “weakness as god” to propel his ascension to master of the mediocre.

-The Invocation:

Dear god, master of weakness, purveyor of the tattered philosophy for the dying and pained of a threadbare world, allow the supplicant whose diminished figure and mind should not be held against him and in fact prove he is of no quality and as such pleases you, for he is of no consequence and can be no opposition to you. Let this supplicant rise so very high, so high as to reach the altitude of pathetic and in this he will be the corrosive force you desire to see do its work against strength. In this he will be assisted by your minions, the robed, the tally winner and the lopsided esthetic. Dear god, advocate of the meek, let the horde of shame rise up and in the atrophy the degradation and remnant sludge, understand that we as thrall in our preferred state subjugate our honor to thee as offering.

Invocation ends.-

And so the master of the mediocre is loosed and the decent begins. All the happy smiling faces that cocoon themselves in their deficiencies begin to atrophy, and rotting in a stagnant pool of filth return to the soil from whence they came. Dirt rests gently upon dirt, sedimentary layering and a visible stratification is locked away and his last word is heard “it is easy to be a coward”.

There was once a woman who yearned to affect the plight of the weak and so she gave of herself until she was empty and poor, and she felt so very pious in this state. But her piety bought her nothing and having had no good affect on her cause became exactly that which she was trying to drive away.

Notice one thing, all those that cry to be given some right or another are without a doubt the weakest and most vile specimens of humanity for if they were not they would not ask.

Modern society is enthralled with idleness and that which he sees as energetic pursuits are usually exercises in futility, a way to devour time in order to pass it with as little pain as possible and as much pleasure as possible. (There may be good in this for the weak but for the ambitious this is a sin against mans responsibility and essential objective of man.)

Most people are encapsulated in their idle lives, which they decorate with tasks so that their idleness is not obvious. The Endless Pursuit of Comfort is the primary false task but like most aspects of modernity it is a perfect tranquilizer.

One more example of a social tranquilizer is Benefaction.

It is release from responsibility to consider yourself and mankind in general as fully realized, free of needing refinement, and to focus ones energy on the deliverance of others.

It is much more complicated to apply energy to the progress of man because there is no quick result from simple labor.

It is not the responsibility of the upper domains of man to coddle and lift up the lower elements of man, especially since the one who uses their energy in such ways is doing this because of a known insufficiency on their part and the hope of rectifying that insufficiency. They dedicate themselves to such ventures not because they are moral but because they are corrupt and do not understand reality. In the quick fix project they can derive self worth but in their own descending life they feel hopeless.

It is not kindness to patronize the ineffectuals with charity nor is it a valuable use of time. These lower elements are not the forgotten victims of others success, they are the incapable, the chaff that has been left behind, that which is only burden. Any betterment for them must come from within and it surely can not be given to them by a more potent form of supplicant. This is merely the blind leading the blind through a field of landmines.

A altruistic person is one who has deferred their life, not due to sacrifice but because they have given up on themselves, they have lost what value their was in themselves and they recognize in the lowly what is in themselves, this causes that thing which is dangerous: shame. They place this shame on their peers and their ancestors but in actuality it is within them, they know they are not worthy of their position and are incapable of raising themselves.

They try to place their own shame on the society like a fog, a fog that limits the vision of others and reduces the ascent of the society which is leaving them behind.

They have realized that they are in fact chaff and their opposition to this manifests itself in hatred for that which is leaving them behind.

This is the basis of the Cult of Weakness, a group who like the failed and humiliated ex-Spartiate plots to raise the Helots to action, a bloodlust for that which has shed him.

If you want to coddle the pathetic and/or make those that are currently effective and self-reliant into a horde of infants that need to be swaddled and cared for then Socialism is the system to best achieve that purpose. This effort However, to transform capable individualistic people into helpless ineffectuals reveals a true hatred of mankind that is the great stain of Socialism.

This hatred is best revealed by the destruction of the peaks of humanity in order to use the rubble to fill-in the valleys and by so doing, level mankind out into a equal vapid mass, one that has become less self-reliant and less proud. A mass that is now controllable because it no longer is desirous of that which exalts itself, its will has been replaced by the pleasure of the confines that keep it from challenging itself, creating a status quo where mediocrity is good enough. This creates a mankind that has been docked, separated from that part of himself that made him enterprising.

Any talk of raising mans quality of life by lowering him into the slavery of Socialism is nothing more then the drivel of either the pathetic that long to be cared for or those that are looking to control those wishing to be cared for. Those are the two segments of Socialism and each is looking to fulfill that which is worst in themself by destroying mankind’s ability to ascend.

There is no virility in Socialism because for Socialism to exist in the first place virility must be squashed. Socialism is a feminine idealized vision of a utopian society, one that exchanges freedom and individualism for some flaccid collective nightmare.

Socialism is like a drug, you are told how good it is and all it can do for you and when you try it you become hooked and need more of it. Socialism’s purveyors know this and they are winning the war to convert the minds of Western Civilization and they are ruining man at his core. The damage these vampires are causing may be irreversible, the very spell that has been cast has taken hold and like a cancer it can not be so easily removed. But remember this, like in the case of a cancer sometimes it is required that the infected flesh be cut out and discarded so that the healthy part might live. We must break the spell.

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